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In the 1960's Many Thought A Moon Flight Would Not Be Possible

[by Scott Swain] There was a time when many people were saying, "We can fly to the moon!" Others were saying, "I can't see how that can be done and it never has been done so I do not support that crazy idea." Those people merely didn't understand the physics. There is always a way.

In this year of 2013, If there were peaceful and voluntary ways we could all work together to get everything done, and because of choosing these peaceful and voluntary ways, liberty was increased, violence was reduced, and everyone rich & poor enjoyed a rise in prosperity, would you want to know what those ways were? 

Finally, ask yourself this question: who is most scared of people finding a way to work together voluntarily to do all the things that the State does for us right now in a compulsory manner? Politicians and the corporations who control them.

Who will build the roads? Who will educate our children? Who will feed the poor? Who will give us health care? These are all important questions that have many solutions that do not require force.
Here is a short video dispelling some myths about a system where you are free to live in peace and prosperity without any need for government; What Anarchy Is Not

Here is one well thought out example of how a peaceful and voluntary system could take care of security; Law without Government.

And trust me, there are many others, if you have the curiosity to look. I would begin with the tons of free information you can find at

Finally, I highly recommend reading books by Murray Rothbard and F.A. Hayek. Their most popular ones can be found as free PDFs. Links coming.

Nonviolent Communication
Get EmpathyCoin by using EmpathyBot to shift from judgment to empathy Use the Play To Evolve game to increase empathy and connection
The Most Dangerious Superstition
Economics in One Lesson Freedom
Conceived in Liberty
Punished by Rewards
The Giver The Five Love Languages
The Four Agreements Mastery of Love
Parent Effectiveness Training Liberated Parents Liberated Children
Daemon Influx
The Skinner Stranger in a Strange Land
WWw Wake Hominids
Anthem Atlas Shrugged
Virtue of Selfishness The Law

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 Contact Scott Swain for mediation and Emotional Intelligence Tools training for business, love, and parenting.