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Proposal For Your Business - Page 3

Evidence it Works

Before we get into "How?" let's look at concrete examples of EQ/Ei contributing to the bottom line. The full list, along with sources, is in the Resources section at the back of this Proposal. Here is the condensed list:
(1) The US Air Force found that the most successful recruiters scored significantly higher in the Ei competencies of assertiveness, empathy, happiness, and emotional self-awareness. The Air Force also found that by using Ei to select recruiters, they increased their ability to predict successful recruiters by nearly three-fold. The immediate gain was savings of $3 million annually.

(2) Experienced partners in a multinational consulting firm were assessed on Ei competencies. Partners who scored above the median on 9 or more of the 20 competencies delivered $1.2 million more profit from their accounts; a 139% incremental gain.

(3) In jobs of medium complexity, a top performer is 12 times more productive than those at the bottom and 85% more productive than an average performer. In the most complex jobs, a top performer is 127% more productive than an average performer. Competency research in 200 companies worldwide suggests that 1/3 of this difference is due to technical and cognitive ability while 2/3 is due to emotional competence. In top leadership positions, over 4/5 of the difference is due to emotional competence.

(4) At L'Oreal, per year, salespeople selected for emotional competence sold $91,370 more than others, for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360. Salespeople selected for emotional competence also had 63% less turnover during the first year.
(5) In a national insurance company, agents who were weak in Ei competencies sold policies with an average premium of $54,000. Those who were stronger in Ei sold policies worth $114,000.

(6) In a large beverage firm, using standard methods to hire division presidents, 50% left within two years. When they started selecting based on emotional competencies, only 6% left in two years.

(7) Research by the Center for Creative Leadership has found that the primary causes of derailment in executives involve deficits in emotional competence. The three primary ones are difficulty in handling change, not being able to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations.

(8) After supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional competencies such as how to listen better and help employees resolve problems on their own, lost-time accidents were reduced by 50%, formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year to 3 per year, and the plant exceeded productivity goals by $250,000.

(9) The ability to handle stress was linked to success as store managers in a retail chain. The most successful managers were those best able to handle stress. Success was based on net profits, sales per square foot, sales per employee, and per dollar inventory investment.
 Contact Scott Swain for mediation and Emotional Intelligence Tools training for business, love, and parenting.